Sunday, January 11, 2009

Merriweather Post Pavilion

It's 4:55 AM in quiet Casta Del Sol (that's right, the retirement community in which I am secretly living in until I get married, ha ha!). The bedroom is dark - with the exception of a blue glow emitting from my laptop - the house is silent, and the sound of Animal Collectives new album, "Merriweather Post Pavilion," is blowing my mind as it streams through my ears via tiny white headphones. I always look forward to a favorite artists new album release because this means that I can, in fact, do what I am doing right now: sit alone in my room, turn the headphone volume way up and study the lyrics to each new song. I will admit, though, I am very skeptacle of the album before I give it a listen. Although I have never been wronged by an Animal Collectives new release, I do feel partial to the last album and think that each new one will never come close to surpassing the previous. I become so attached to the last album, in this particular case, "Strawberry Jam," that in a way, I feel I am cheating on it by giving the new one a listen. But you know what, I felt that way about, "Feels," so you think that I would've learned by now. Anyways, tonight I have finally passed the infidelity stage and am now a full blown fan. So far I love EVERY song! But if I had to choose my favorites, they would be (in no particular order): "In the Flowers," "My Girls," "03Also Frightened," "Summertime Clothes," and "Brothersport." I would have to say that "Merriweather Post Pavilion" is 50% classic Animal Collective and 50% Panda Bear. I was obsessed with Panda Bears "Person Pitch" and really enjoy more of his individual influence in Animal Collective. Unfortunately, my brief review of the album does not do it justice. For that, I have attached this link: which will sum up this amazing album far better than I ever could.

Do what I do! Listen to the song "My Girls" and read these lyrics:

There isn't much that I feel I need
A solid soul and the blood I bleed
With a little girl, and by my spouse
I only want a proper house

There isn't much (isn't much) that I feel I need (that I feel I need)
A solid soul (solid soul) and the blood I bleed (blood I bleed)
With a little girl (with a little girl) and by my spouse (by my spouse)
I only want (I only want) a proper house (a proper house)

There isn't much (isn't much) that I feel I need (that I feel I need)
A solid soul (solid soul) and the blood I bleed (blood I bleed)
With a little girl (with a little girl) and by my spouse (by my spouse)
I only want (I only want) a proper house (a proper house)

I don't care for fancy things
Or to take part in a vicious race
And children cry for the man who has
A real big heart and a father's grace
and a father's grace (repeat)

I don't mean to seem like I care about
material things like a social status
I just want four walls and adobe slabs for my girls

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